Strength & Conditioning for Skiing

If you're a seasoned pro or a newbie on the slopes, preparing your body for skiing is vital. It can often be easy to underestimate the physical demands of a day's skiing. In preparing correctly, you will not just have a more enjoyable time out on the slopes with reduced chances of stoppages and potential injuries, but you will also massively increase your overall fitness levels as a bi-product.

If you really want to ski longer, more comfortably and safer this season, you will need a ski fitness programme that includes:

  • Strength training

  • Aerobic endurance

  • Mobility and flexibility

All of which will be included in our 6 week Ski Fitness courses, both on site at MegaBox Fitness and through distance delivery also.
Plus Options for 1 - 2 - 1 Personal Training packages 

This means that if you are local to Leamington Spa and the surrounding areas you will have the choice of attending PT sessions or coached group sessions at MegaBox Fitness; or, like those who are not local, can choose to go through the course from a distance with a thorough assessment and 1 - 2 - 1 session to introduce the program to you. Whichever option you choose, the initial movement assessment will be completed to identify strengths and areas for improvement through different movement patterns.


The average ski holiday may often be seen as a family holiday however it requires a high level of strength and fitness to participate safely and effectively. Tiredness and fatigue are very common causes of injury, particularly for those skiers only getting out on the slopes for 1 or 2 weeks a year, with most injuries being reported to have taken place after 3pm. If you have built up a good baseline level of strength and fitness before you hit the slopes then you are much less likely to fatigue as quickly.

An effective strength and conditioning program should incorporate ski-specific exercises that challenge all the muscle groups used on the slopes, in terms of both strength and endurance,  and the range of mobility needed to prevent injuries. Commonly we will choose to head to the mountains for a week or 2, which most certainly requires a decent level of fitness but will also challenge muscle groups that are uncommonly used from day to day at home. For this reason, it is  recommended by medical professionals that you begin to incorporate ski-specific exercises into your training program at least 6 weeks prior to your ski trip.  

Pre-existing injuries

If you have any ongoing, niggling injuries or weaknesses that you usually work through, now is the time to rectify these and begin strengthening those areas and improving your mobility to minimise any further risk of injury. Within our Ski Fitness courses we will together identify any weaknesses and niggles and put a plan in place to rectify them alongside the strength and conditioning elements. 


It is easy to forget just how physical a whole day of skiing can be. We can often clock up between 3 and 6 hours of continuous physical exertion on the slopes each day. And this is compounded each day if you're skiing for a week or even 2! Lunch breaks and time on the ski lifts offer some time for recovery but it is worth remembering that at higher altitude it may take you much longer to recover than normal. And recovery is important due to the demands of continuous skiing at an intensity which creates a buildup of muscle fatigue quite quickly! Therefore the more strength, endurance and mobility that can be acquired from a good training program in preparation for your trip, the more likely you are to ski more efficiently, reduce injury risk and essentially get much more time on the slopes!

Ski Fitness Course Details:

On Site Group Course Dates:

  • Pre-Feb Half Term: W/c 16th Jan to 18th Feb

On Site Group Session Times:

  • Session 1: Mon- 7:30am

  • Session 2: Sat - 9:30am

Pricing for 5 week on site group course:

  • 1 session/ week - £125

  • 2 sessions/ week - £225 (Saving of 10%)

Distance Delivery:

  • 1 hour face to face assessment and consultation at MegaBox Fitness

  • Individualised training program design

  • Return face to face PT session at MegaBox Fitness to deliver the program to be completed off site

  • Continued support

Price: £169 (£200 value)

To book your space on the course or your initial assessment for distance delivery email us at


Are Personal Training Sessions worth it? Part 2


Are Personal Training Sessions worth it?