The Key Things To Consider For Fat Loss…

There is a common misconception around fat loss that lowering your weight on the scale means losing fat mass. However, this is not always necessarily the case and the scale is not always the best place to look.

With the right nutritional strategy and training program you should lose fat mass but gain muscle mass. This can often mean that the change on the scale is minimal due to muscle mass weighing more than fat mass, however, the outcome goal is still being reached. Therefore circumference measurements, pictures and assessing how you feel in your own skin & clothes throughout your fitness journey will show a truer picture of if you are losing fat. 

An important factor of fat loss is being in a caloric deficit. Being in a calorie deficit i.e burning more calories than you are eating/ putting into your body is going to target fat loss, but that can only go so far and can potentially lead to loss of weight via muscle, and not from fat so there are a few other important things to take into account when trying to lose fat mass.

As your baseline for losing fat there are 3 pillars that need to be “hit” to ensure an effective fat loss strategy:

1. Make sure your body is able to lose fat efficiently and sustainably.
2. Make sure you’re able to maintain and build muscle.
3. Make sure your appetite is satisfied, and you don't indulge

If ever you are hitting a plateau with your fat loss it generally means that one of the 3 pillars outlined above are out and needs addressing.

Nutritionally the next thing to consider are the 5 foundations which we have control over to optimise fat loss and also correlate back to our 3 pillars.

The 5 foundations are as follows:

  1. Carbohydrate intake (quality and quantity)

  2. Protein intake (quality and quantity)

  3. Sleep (quality and quantity) 

  4. Gut Microbiome (is it healthy?)

  5. Alcohol (understanding how it affects fat loss) 

If the quality or quantity of these foundations aren’t optimal then this can cause plateaus and stop you from achieving your fat loss goals.

Do you feel you need some more guidance with your nutrition? Need help with getting the 3 pillars and 5 foundations in order? Are you struggling with what direction to go with your food?

Get in touch now so we can help you!


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